Can’t Keep up? 11 Ways to Simplify Choosing Next Year’s Homeschool Curriculum
By Heather Sanders It’s April, and your friends and favorite homeschool bloggers are already talking about their curriculum choices for next year. You’re thinking, “You’ve got to be kidding me!”...
View ArticleTwenty Interesting Things About…The Ampersand
By Heather Sanders Sometimes I work hard to find a topic I want to blog about, and at other times the topic shouts at me from two or three different places until I sit down and write it out. This post...
View ArticleCommunity Question: School Hours & Subjects Suggestions
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleDon’t Make These 7 Mistakes When Studying
By Heather Sanders Most of the readers here are educators, but you are not the target audience for this particular post, which focuses on high school level kids, regardless of where their education...
View ArticleGeography, Capitals, and Current Events Quiz: Wednesday!
It’s been awhile since the last geography quiz, so we’ll be having one here tomorrow night! This one will be a little more eclectic in nature, with an emphsis on capitals along with plenty of current...
View ArticleMean Ol’ Schoolmarm: “Gage” or “Gauge”
By Heather Sanders For those of you who have ever asked yourself whether to use the word gage or gauge when writing, this post is for you. And for those who know the difference and never have tripped...
View ArticleGEOGRAPHY Quiz: Enter Now!
It’s time for the big Geography, Capitals, and Current Events Quiz! Let’s see how well you know your stuff. ***Update: The question about which state capital had the biggest population has been...
View ArticleGeography Quiz: Answers and Winners!
Great job on the quiz, guys! I’ll admit it was a little bit of a toughie. Here are the stats, answers, and winners! STATS 28,679 people took the quiz. 1,852 people scored 100% The question most...
View ArticleCommunity Question: Motivating 7th-Grade Boy
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View Article7 Years of Proof That What Works Today Probably Won’t Tomorrow
By Heather Sanders The greatest but perhaps most humbling part about blogging here for nearly seven years is reading my contributor archives. Because people, I am like a switchback going up the side...
View ArticleGet Rid of Your Homeschooling Doubts Once and for All
By Heather Sanders You just bumped into one of your friends you haven’t seen in years, and you immediately remember she doesn’t know you’re homeschooling. The last time you two talked you were heading...
View ArticleHow to Use Your Homeschooling Wisdom to Help Others
By Heather Sanders It is no wonder parents considering homeschooling for the first time get overwhelmed. If you search Google for “homeschool curriculum” it turns up 1,590,000 results. At least, that...
View ArticleCommunity Question: High School Online Summer Courses?
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View Article7 Little-known (And Slightly Weird) Holidays in May
By Heather Sanders May is just moments away. Fine–days away. You are tired. Your kids are tired. You’re doubling up on some lessons and wrapping up others, but every day is a discipline in...
View ArticleCommunity Question: Algebra for a Kinesthetic Learner
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleThe Shocking Truth About Homeschooling Experts
By Heather Sanders When I first chose to homeschool, I was a mess. I had no idea what direction to go, what curriculum to use, or where to look to find my answers. I would have given my eye teeth for...
View Article7 Ways to Make Elementary Math More Fun
By Heather Sanders At the time I’m writing this, it is 11:45 pm and my night owl is more than an hour into tomorrow’s school day. I don’t know how she does it. My brain moved to sludge somewhere around...
View ArticleCommunity Question: Should We Stay or Go?
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleHow to Raise Lifelong Learners Without Being a Hypocrite
By Heather Sanders I’m tired. It’s a good tired, a contented, job well done tired, but tired all the same. In the last week of March, I enrolled in a guest blogging course to learn how to be a better...
View ArticleHow Blogs Make Homeschooling Less Lonely
By Heather Sanders I’ve been blogging about homeschooling for years; in fact, my first post published here was in September 2008. That’s hard to believe. Many of you blog about homeschooling too;...
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