I love October for many reasons. The worst days of the Texas heat are over, which means I can eat Chocolate Chili without sweating. The cool nip in the air lures me outside just about the same time the mosquitos begin losing their feeding frenzy. Pumpkin Spice Latte (With a pump of Chai, thankyouverymuch.) is back on the menu at Starbucks. And, of course, fall foliage–the Sycamore tree out back looks afire with gold and rust leaves; it’s simply gorgeous.
And while I realize most people love October for Halloween, I am not a fan. I have long been a scaredy cat of epic proportions. This trait goes back long before my freshman year of high school when I assaulted the person who quietly detached his black-draped body from the wall of a haunted house intent on scaring me. If I remember correctly, he was unable to continue in his assigned role that evening (ER visit?), and I was unable to sleep in a dark room for several weeks. It goes without saying that I don’t watch horror movies–nor ones that are too scary or suspenseful, and I mind very carefully the books I read. I never sat around campfires listening to ghost stories, wouldn’t play with Ouija boards at sleepovers, and I certainly never said Bloody Mary three times in the mirror with the lights off.
You may call me a stick in the mud, and I’m okay with that. Fear simply doesn’t look good on me.
HOWEVER…there are MANY of you who LOVE Halloween. Many of your children LOVE Halloween. And in the last few days I’ve come across a number of not-so-scary, adorable ways to enjoy Halloween in your homeschool this week.
Though our recent move has reduced my monster collection considerably, I still take every opportunity to stop and soak-in all the sweet, fun, cute, quirky monsters I come across. THESE COOKIES with their multiple eyes and bright colors beg to be baked and eaten. How can you resist?
Website: Lil’ Luna
Post: Gooey Monster Cookies
This visual counting on chart for #s 0-10 is a free download. Designed to help a student “put the big number in [their] head and count on.” Decorated with witches, vampires, garlic, mummies, etc…it is a fun way to bring Halloween into a Math lesson or review.
Website: Positively Learning
Post: 5 for Friday: Creepy Counting
I’m of the opinion that cursive is a dying art and strangely enough, this craft proves my point. Regardless of how I feel about Halloween, I LOVE cursive and don’t think for a second I’m not going to do this because I SOOOOOO want to see my name in “ribs.”
Website: The Amateur Librarian
Post: Cursive Skeletons
While I didn’t hide behind corners and jump out at people, I did enjoy pouring paste all over my hands and letting it dry. I also loved, and still love, slime. It’s so gloopy and sludgy and fantastically gross. Making this gak glow-in-the-dark is PERFECTION.
Website: A Pumpkin & A Princess
Post: Homemade Glow In The Dark Slime Recipe
I’ve done density experiments with my kids before, but this particular one certainly is ominous with the treacle bubbling up to the golden syrup and the red (blood) and floating bug. Eeew.
This little bit of creepy Chemistry, if poured with patience, would make for a fun experiment for even the most squeamish of students–just ask me!
Website: Science Sparks
Post: Creepy Density
At some point in the day, you’ll want to break for a drink, and why not a witch’s brew to go with your Gooey Monster Cookies? A quick visit to the grocery and the Dollar Store turns up all the ingredients you need for this tried-and-true punch mix of pineapple juice, lime sherbert and ginger ale. Go all out and bring in dry ice to turn your punch bowl into a “bubbling cauldron!”
Website: Your Homebased Mom
Post: Witch’s Brew
If you’re like me, you never know what to do with that one white crayon in the Crayola box. Either that or some good ol’ fashioned rubber cement. Either way, add a few more items, and you have the makings for a colorful backdrop to Charlotte’s Web.
Website: I Heart Arts & Crafts
Post: Water Color Resist Spider Web Art
Now it’s your turn. Today’s comments are for links. Links to Halloween activities you’ve done, want to do, posted about–whatever and wherever.
Halloween is Friday, and there are things to make, eat and do!
Heather Sanders is a leading homeschooling journalist who inspires homeschooling families to live, love and learn. Married to Jeff, Heather lives in the East Texas Piney Woods where she currently home schools two of her three kids.